Friday, October 29, 2010

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas....

The sewing machine has made a comeback after a busy few weeks celebrating both Mr H and Baby Moo's birthdays! I have been relishing in the joy of being able to get my creative hat back on and have a few hours of 'me' time....although sometimes I do wish that I had a little factory in my garden shed full of sewing machines and a production line.....ah to dream...

I am off to the markets in my local town in a few weeks and decided to get the Christmas fabric out and start spreading the cheer! I have lots more ideas up my sleeves but this is the first few bibs of the batch.....aren't they gorgeous?

While I was sewing, I find myself in a dreamland.....and that dreamland consists of having something like this as my back room.....minus the man in the leopard shirt (what the?) and add a lovely little lady who cuts all my fabrics for day!

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