Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Put you in perspective....

Today I stumbled across a blog called 'Casper the Great's Heptoblastoma Journey Blog' .

I found myself glued to the laptop reading from the day Casper was diagnosed through to his mum's last post. I have shed so many tears for Casper and his family. It all sounds so difficult and so emotionally and physically draining. Casper looks like such a gorgeous little boy - and has such an amazing family supporting him through his FIGHT against Heptoblastoma.

After reading the blog and wiping away my tears for Casper - I found it really forced me to put my life into perspective. I have been complaining about Moo & I being in isolation in my cosy home due to exposure from the chicken pox which she did not end up getting. I was whinging about her being out of sorts due to having cabin fever and how I felt completely drained by the pressure to keep her entertained and happy.....

and then I read this blog and realise how lucky I have got it. I am sure Casper's mum would love to have weeks at home with her healthy toddler instead of being in isolation in hospital due to Casper's next-to-none immunity and nursing him from all the drugs he has to have to help him fight off this cancer. How she would love for her biggest worry to be how to entertain Casper instead of how to keep her boy alive.

It's amazing how life sends you these messages to stop whinging and appreciate the life you have. It also makes you think and pray about the poor families with sick loved ones. I always find myself praying as I drive past hospitals and stop to think about all the families and patients. I would love to have special powers to find the drug to stop all these horrific cancers....but in the meantime we all just have to hope and pray that this drug is found quickly.

So today, stop and think about all the things in your life and be thankful for them...stop whinging and instead be grateful.

In the meantime....I know that I will be praying for Casper and his family....and I hope you do too. X

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