Saturday, May 1, 2010


After a fairly large human error by AH with Moo's moulds....after 2 weeks....we are finally back on air! When I put the hearing aids in yesterday and turned them on, she immediately swung her head to find where the noises were coming from. Then in true fashion.............she ripped her hearing aids out and put them in her mouth!! So cheeky!

But on a more exciting note....I have been trying to prompt Macie to make the MMMMmmmm noise. My sister (Teacher of the Deaf) realised that she was making these noises so I have been trying to get her to recognise that she is infact making these sounds!

So yesterday it was 'M' Day! MMmmmmUM, MMMMoooo, MMMimi (her granny) and Moo was going so well with these noises. Everything was MMMMMMmmmmm! I was so excited! She would watch my face and listen for the noise and would do exactly the sound that I would do! How clever!

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